23 augusti 2011

Nya rörliga bilder

Nu kommer ja göra ett stort inlägg med bara rörliga bilder :) hoppas ni kommer tycka om de :)

 While singing Who Says, Selena stopped to tell the security guards to stop being rude to her fans.
selenaownslife:  Why is she so cute :3
thezebrachild:  SWAG
 August 10th, 2009 (Acceptance Speech): Wow, thank you! Thank you so much! I…my  favorite thing to do is to just get up every morning to go to a place where I can make families and kids laugh. It’s honestly just the best job in the whole world. I’m truly one of the luckiest girls in the world because of you guys, so thank you. Thank you. Thank you!August 9th, 2010 (Acceptance Speech): Thank you! Oh my gosh, Lea Michele so deserves this award. Thank you so much.This means a lot to me. I just, I mean this award is dedicated to you guys who watch our show. It really means a lot to me. To my beautiful cast, I love you so much. Thank you so much for this, god bless! August 7th, 2011 (Acceptance Speech): This isn’t even mine anymore. This isn’t ours, this isn’t Wizards, this isn’t anybody’s ‘cause this is all of you guys. This is your award now. This isn’t mine, so thank you so much for letting us do what we love everyday. I’m so thankful and I’m so blessed, so thank you. God bless.

2 kommentarer :

  1. Du skrev fel källa. de ska stå jelenor.blogg.se

  2. oj förlåt! Ska ändra genast


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